Feedback and Grievance Redress Procedure (FGRP) for the REDD+ project in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary.
The grievance mechanism was prepared by an independent consultant, studying the grievance mechanisms of REDD + projects such as Keo Seima REDD+, and Central Cardamom Wildlife Sanctuary REDD+, as well as Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards. -CCB) of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCS). In addition, NaturalLife Cambodia also consulted with villagers and authorities of the 16 targeted villages of the REDD+ project.
The grievance mechanism has two main components:
1) Feedback mechanism includes stakeholder consultation meetings, annual workshops, trainings, quarterly meetings or other events. 43 mailboxes installed in 16 target villages Tel: 071 328 7123 Tel: 071 328 7123 Email Institutional Facebook or through a third party, the Community Legal Education Centre (CLEC).
2) Complaint resolution mechanism consists of 3 stages: a. Project Level b. Third party and c. Court.
After completely designed, NaturalLife Cambodia team in cooperation with USAID-Morodok Baitang Team, Village, Commune, District Authority and Department of Environment, are disseminating and installing mailboxes in 11 targeted villages (out of 16) from May 24, 25, 26 and 29, attended by a total of 326 participants, 196 females.
The first phase of the dissemination is scheduled to be completed by June 2, 2023. After that, it will continue to aware in project activities.