Total Capital of Saving Groups in Anlung Pring Protected Landscape grew 90 million Riels

The saving groups were established with the objective to improve community livelihoods and enhance the wetland and waterbird conservation participation in the Anlung Pring Protected Landscape, Kampong Trach district, Kampot. The five saving groups from Koh Chamkar, Koh Tnaot, and Chres villages were established in 2021. The five groups consist of 71 members (44 women), most of whom are doing agriculture and animal husbandry. By October, the saving groups closed the savings account, and as a result, from late 2021 until now, the five groups increased its capital to 90 million Riels, loan issued 80 million Riels, and generated interest income of about 20 million Riels. This micro-credit scheme has significantly contributed to improving the livelihoods of all members by providing them loans for agriculture, raising animals, small businesses running, and addressing urgent financial needs. Over the past two years, NatureLife Cambodia has worked to strength the capacity of groups to enhance sustainability, particularly focusing on bookkeeping practice, ensure proper loan and interest recording, and reinforce the group by-law.